How To Get God's Attention, How To Attract God's Reward, Favor and Blessing
God’s reward system to bless you is through Honor. The Biblical definition of Honor is “to esteem”, “to value”, and “to treat another with great respect because of who they are or what they have done”. That which is valued and esteem is Honored. When we Honor God, we will Honor the delegated authorities in our lives. Honor is like a magnet, it attracts God’s attention. When you Honor, your covenant inheritance from God is prosperity and blessings. God rewards the obedient servant who Honors and diligently seek Him. What type of servant will you be? The servant who receives a full reward, partial reward or no reward. God is the same yesterday, today and forevermore. And He is a Rewarder of the obedient servant who diligently seek Him. Make a decision to Honor today. Your Heavenly Reward awaits you.