The Father's Blessing: A Roadmap To The Father In Heaven
A Roadmap is a communication tool. A strategic document, a guide designed to communicate the Vision of a destination.
God, our Heavenly Father, has set up a system for generational Blessings through Fathers and children relationship. The Father has a responsibility to receive the Vision, the Roadmap from Heaven and speak only what Heaven has decreed over his children. The children’s function is to honor and obey the Vision, the Roadmap from their Father. Heaven has declared the children who honor and obey their Father following the Vision, the Roadmap, will receive the Blessings of the Father. May every Father speak Heaven’s Blessing over the children that honor their Father. The Blessings of a Father is more powerful than any earthly inheritance. And may Heaven grace our children to obey the Vision and be guided by the Roadmap of their Father.